tooth extraction in Trafalgar

Our second set of teeth are intended to serve us well for life. However, things don’t always go as planned. If you have a damaged or decayed adult tooth that’s unfixable, extraction may be the solution. The removal might be especially urgent if you have a severe infection or are experiencing a lot of pain.

In some cases, Dr. Stropes can repair an injured tooth with a filling or dental crown. But when the tooth cannot be restored, removal is the best treatment course.

Reasons for Tooth Removal Near You

There are many reasons why we perform emergency extractions in Trafalgar, IN, such as:

  • A badly broken tooth
  • An abscess on the gums
  • Cracked or fractured root
  • Crowded teeth
  • Extensive tooth decay
  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Periodontal disease
  • Severe jaw trauma

If you have one or more impaired teeth, don’t wait to contact Indian Creek Family Dentistry. Doing so will increase your risk of infection. Left untreated, the condition could spread to the surrounding teeth and threatened your overall health. With our convenient location serving Princes Lakes, Brown County, and Bargersville, you can trust us to be your go-to dental clinic for all your oral health needs.

How Are Teeth Extracted at Indian Creek Family Dentistry?

Each case is unique. However, the severity of the tooth damage and location will determine if you need a simple or surgical extraction. Generally, tooth removal at our Trafalgar, IN dental office involves the following steps:

  • Dr. Stropes will numb the treatment area around the infected tooth.
  • A few minutes will be allowed to pass to enable the anesthetic to work.
  • Then, your dentist will rock the tooth back and forth to expand the socket.
  • This rocking process will continue until the tooth is loose enough to lift out.

During the procedure, you may feel some pressure. There should be no pain or discomfort. If the extraction causes you pain, alert your dentist immediately.

What Should I Expect After an Extraction?

It is natural to have some bleeding after tooth removal. Even if sutures are in place, the socket may still bleed. For that reason, we will place gauze to absorb any drainage. In addition, you will leave the office with extra pads and instructions on how to use them. Gauze pads control the bleeding and help promote clotting.

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